

The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Today may be the most important songspiration. Today I talk with you about VISION.   What is the mission statement for your life? What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your life to feel like? Who do you want to be surrounded by? What do you want to see when you wake up? How do you want to bless other people?   Don’t shrink your dreams to match your income. Don’t shrink your dreams to meet the expectations of others.   What is that thing you’ve pushed down because you never know if you’ll have the time and finances to achieve it? What is it in you that HAS to happen?   VISION is a light inside of you that attracts the right opportunities and people. Progress towards this vision comes from doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable.   You weren’t put on this planet to be average. But you must uncover that vision in order to see it come to fruition.