

The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Sew habits, reap character. Sew character, reap destiny…   Today I’m talking with you about HABITS.   The most successful people I know also happen to be the most disciplined. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being your best!   Having diligence in the small things. Being who you say you are. Showing up and keeping your word at all costs.   We live in an age where instant gratification is encouraged. It is tempting to look for the shortcuts. But there is great satisfaction knowing we have made the most of our days by staying the course and staying committed to our word over our feelings.    Remember, the universe will match whatever vibration you put out. Do you put out laziness, lack of focus, and indecision…?   Or do you put out tenacity, grit, and later focus?   Habits are freeing.   COMMENT in our private Facebook group and share the one habit you are committed to working on in this season of your life!   [For access to Facebook g