Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Member Self-Publishing Q&A w/ Joanna Penn & David Penny: September 2015



Ep#20: Joanna Penn and David Penny answer members' questions on writing, publishing and promoting books. Here’s the questions posed to David and Joanna this month: Q: Is there an Indie Book Fair event planned in Australia? Q: The Legal Deposits Library has requested 5 copies of my book, do I need to send them? Q: I’ve written 5 short stories, how many should I have in a Collection? Q: What is the typical length of a book blurb? Q: What Writing Craft Resources would you recommend? Q: How should Authors leverage a Mailing List? Q: I’m a new author and published my book 3 weeks ago. How long does it take to see Kindle Sales on Amazon? Q: When is the Showcase up and running again? Q: When should you start thinking about promoting and marketing your book? Our weekly Self-Publishing Advice broadcast is brought to you by ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors. This Member Self-Publishing Q&A is one of four regular shows, which include a more advanced salon, a beginners' salon and a special guest highlight p