Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Ep 116 - 5 Tips to a Healthy Holidays



Hello my friends The holiday season is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Between Thanksgiving, the holidays, and the social events based around Christmas and the holiday season we get to see family, friends, and loved ones! In my opinion, it should be one of the happiest times of the year! Like many people who are into fitness, this time of year can actually be dreaded and a great source of stress! It could be stress about what to eat, what to drink, how to work out, or maybe the overall fear of losing results you've worked so hard for! For me, it was always the fear of eating "bad" food, regaining the weight I lost, and getting fat again. But ... there's good news. It doesn’t have to be this way, and in fact, shouldn’t be at all! YOU CAN ENJOY THE HOLIDAY FOODS AND GATHERINGS WITHOUT GETTING FAT OR FEELING GUILTY. A few special meals will not drastically increase the number on the scale. Just like a few days of perfect nutrition or dieting will not drastically decrease the number on the sc