Boyd And Brooks Podcast: Conversations In Spirituality

Episode 4 - Listening to God



Listening to God is not a science, but it might be an art form. One in which, we listen closely for the whisper of what we are being told and ultimately called to act on. For Genevieve and I, being open to the possibility of what God could and might do, has been the strongest threads in our faith story. Recently, we've both been challenged to put our stories together and give them publicly for the first time. It has been a very exposing and vulnerable experience. As a therapist, encouraging people to tell their stories, is often considered a form of therapy. Once we verbally articulate our story, it's out there. "Out there" can be scary, but also empowering. Once you've told your story, really heard it, you can examine it for deeper meaning. How might God be weaving together your story?