Rimasun - Quechua Language Podcasts

Elvapa Kawsayninmanta Willaykuna



Kay audiopi Elva willayninta cumpankunaman willakun. Cumpankuna Emily Thompson, Doris Loayza, Christine Mladic ima. Elvam Perumanta, ichaqa Brooklynpi tiyachkan. Elva qallariran New York Quechua Initiativeta. Pay munanman hoq runakunawan runasimipi rimayta. // En este audio, Elva cuenta historias de su vida a sus compañeras. Sus compañeras se llaman Emily Thompson, Doris Loayza, y Christine Mladic. Elva es de Perú, pero vive en Brooklyn. Elva es la fundadora de New York Quechua Initiative. A ella le gustaría hablar en quechua con muchas más personas. // In this podcast, Elva shares some of her past experiences with her friends. These friends are Emily Thompson, Doris Loayza, and Christine Mladic. Elva is from Peru, but now lives in Brooklyn. Elva is the founder of the New York Quechua Initiative. She would like to speak in Quechua with many more people. For more visit: clacsnyublog.com/category/rimasun