Waste Books

W.B. Appendix 007: Tyler Murphy & Phillip Griffin



For the latest episode of the Waste Books appendices Waste Correspondent Phillip Griffin sat down over coffee with a MT-based painter, gallery owner, and all-around sweetie Tyler Murphy to talk philosophy & other shtuff. Topics include discursivity, Story Night at Montana Gallery, danger & vulnerability in modern life, Paul Tillich's book The Courage to Be, and Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. For more of Tyler's work visit montanagallery.net! Music in this episode features Bust! The track is called "Slip Mat." Check out their bandcamp page! For more of our work check out www.waste-division.org! Also if you're interested in subscribing for monthly independent art deliveries visit our Patreon page. This helps us with operating costs so we can continue to supply you with good stuff like this! Podcast produced by Phillip Griffin. Graphic originally by Tyler for his Lonely Painter Podcast, but "reappropriated" for this one by Phil.