True Stories Of Tinseltown

I talk to Christina Lane about her fab book Phantom Lady:Hollywood Producer Joan Harrison The forgottenWoman Behind Hitchcock. She called him Hitchy..



I talked to Christina and it was fun and full of info I had never known. The book is fab, it has things you didn't know about Hitchy, and Alma and of course Joan. Hollywood being what it was/is there were whispers that Joan had gotten so far with Hitchy because she provided sexual favors. All I know is Joan was very talented and did a couple of films I really love like Phantom Lady and The Strange Affairs Of Uncle Harry. I found Christine when she was on Noir Alley with Eddie M. I ordered the book directly and loved it and set out to get Joan on the show. She is a delight, lots of fun behind the scene stuff too.  As a PS. I made a mistake about my beloved dulcet voiced Ronald Colman. I confused him with Charles Boyer. Ronald was first choice for the part of Maxim De Winter.  I really enjoyed finding out more about Joan. I know you will too.  You can find Christina at and her amazon author page