This Good Word With Steve Wiens

Episode 212 | Finding God After Losing Faith



So many of us begin thinking about resolutions or "words for the year" as we wrap up one year and head into the next. One of the things that I'm going to be especially intentional about in 2020 is being rigorously honest about what I say I believe. You may not believe this, but there are many times when I simply nod along, agreeing with what I should agree with, while internally I am feeling angsty. So, I'm committing to doing the work of being kind and compassionate, while also refusing to simply go along with something I don't really believe in.  For some reason, when I get a bee in my bonnet like this, it actually helps me to create something related to what I'm wanting in my own life so that other people can be on the journey with me. So, I'm creating a new weekly resource called Finding God After Losing Faith. Like I described on this episode, this weekly email will be designed to help people to keep searching for God even after a certain belief system - or religious system - has stopped working for the