This Good Word With Steve Wiens

Episode 187 | Brie Stoner



Brie Stoner is a musician, writer, student, and 2015 alumna of the Center for Action and Contemplation’s Living School for Action and Contemplation. She co-hosts Another Name For Everything, the popular new podcast featuring Richard Rohr. Her music, which has been featured in national and international television broadcasting, includes the production and composition of the soundtracks for the NOOMA film series with Rob Bell. Brie has published blogs for The Omega Center, The Contemplative Society, and Northeast Wisdom websites, and contributed to an anthology edited by Ilia Delio, OSF: Personal Transformation and a New Creation: The Spiritual Revolution of Beatrice Bruteau. Brie has served as content curator and podcast host for Ilia Delio's online forum, The Omega Center, research assistant to Cynthia Bourgeault, and currently serves on staff with the Center for Action and Contemplation. Enjoy!  Mentioned in our conversation:  The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr Everything Belongs by Richard Rohr  Fall