The Brookings Cafeteria

The global political economy



Kemal Derviş, vice president and director of Global Economy and Development at Brookings, discusses policies for a globally interdependent world, which is the focus of his new book “Reflections on Progress: Essays on the Global Political Economy.” Also in this episode, Molly Reynolds, fellow in Governance Studies, answers a listener’s question on whether ideology or choice of candidate is more important for American voters in our regular “Ask an Expert” segment. Additionally, Richard Shearer, senior research associate and senior project manager with the Metropolitan Policy Program, examines the ways in which the divide between big city and small town America play out in our politics. Finally, an excerpt from a recent Brookings event featuring Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and British Member of Parliament Tristram Hunt talking about cities in the age of Trump and Brexit. Subscribe to the Brookings Cafeteria on iTunes, listen in all the usual places, send feedback email to , and follow us and tweet us at  on Twitt