Business Growth Podcast

BGP 004 John Morgan BrandAgainstTheMachine



In this interview, Spencer sits down to chat with his buddy John Morgan about business branding and some of the challenges businesses have with growth. John Morgan is the Author of Brand Against The Machine: How to Build Your Brand, Cut Through the Marketing Noise, and Stand Out from the Competition. Brand Against the Machine offers proven and actionable steps for companies and entrepreneurs to increase their brand visibility and credibility, and to create an indispensable brand that consumers can relate to, thus becoming life-long customers. Discover the aspirational currency that makes your brand one that people want to be or want to be friends with. Learn how to be real with your audience and make strategic associations to establish credibility. Brand Against the Machine will help you stand out, get noticed, and be remembered. Brand Against the Machine is the blueprint for how to market your brand to attract better clients and stand