Love Your Work Creative Habits | Writing | Solopreneur | Productivity | Entrepreneurship | Startup

138. Things Don't Go As Planned. That *Is* the Plan.



Sometimes things don't go as planned. Just ask me, as I'm on my temporary exile in Peru right now, since having my Colombian visa rejected. If we can’t plan something in our morning, if we can’t plan something when we visit a website, then where do we get the idea that we can plan things as complex as our lives? Or as complex as a big project, such as a book? When things don’t go as planned, you get new information. You can use that information to make a new plan. So, in this week's article, I'm suggesting that you make things not going as planned part of the plan. It can take you places you never expected to go. Love Your Work is now fully listener-supported! Patreon supporters are now covering ALL production costs for Love Your Work! Thank you supporters! To help, go to Free Creative Productivity Toolbox I quadrupled my creative productivity. Sign up and I'll send you the tools I count on: Feedback? Questions? Comments? I love to hear anything and everything from you. Lea