Blind Abilities Podcast

iPhone101 - Managing Targeted Ad Tracking on the iPhone. Big Apple is Watching You!



In this iPhone101 episode Jeff will show you how to turn off ad tracking and reset your advertising identifier. This won’t stop all advertising, however, do we want Big Apple to tempt our habits? By tracking your movements on the iPhone, apps and basically anywhere you go, Apple can form a profile on you and target advertising towards you that may be hitting too close to home. Ever get that Wow moment when you receive an ad about a certain item and you were just mentioning that the other day to a friend? Coincidence? No not at all, your profile is being targeted. This could serve you will or this may be something you feel is a bit uncomfortable. Well, you have a choice of turning this feature off or turning it on. Here is how we do it: Go to Settings, Privacy, Advertising and then Limit Ad Tracking to toggle on or off. Move on down to Reset Advertising identifier. Be sure to check out the entire iPhone101 Series on the web at Thanks for Listening! Contact: You can follow us on Twitter