Blind Abilities Podcast

The Apple TV Plus New Series, See, is Breaking Down Barriers as the World Goes Blind and the Possibilities and Abilities are Something to See – Meet Associate Producer and Blindness Consultant, Joe Strechay



Joe Strechay has followed his passions and goals over the years and has recently merged his work and passions into one job and is having the time of his life. From managing the Career Connect program at American Foundation for the Blind, AFB, to Director of the  Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services. Joe also worked on transition and employment initiatives at the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and the Florida Department for the Blind.  With all that going on, Joe never lost touch for his love of movies. From working with actors, writers, and keeping on being involved, people started to call on Joe for his Blindness consulting. This led up to him leaving his day job and join the team creating, “See”, the latest Apple TV Plus series just released November 1st. Joe talks about the commitment Apple has made to hiring people with disabilities and Joe says that they want good actors and not to just hire Blind or Visually Impaired actors just because, and the BVI actors they did hire beat out the