Blind Abilities Podcast

Job Insights: Meet Business Relations Specialist Pam Gowan – 45 Years of Enhancing Job Opportunities and Educating Businesses of the Possibilities and Abilities of the Blind and Visually Impaired



Full Transcript Show Summary: Business Relations Specialist, Pam Gowan, has worked at State Services for over 45 years and with retirement just around the corner. Lisa larges, Outreach Coordinater at SSB, sat down with Pam to talk about Pam’s history at SSB and walk through the process a customer/client would experience or expect when a counselor enlist the services of an employment specialist such as Pam Gowan. With October being National Disability Employment Awareness month, we thought Pam would be the one who could best talk about preparing for the workforce and Pam does a great job. Not only working with individuals to help them with the job search and application process, Pam works with businesses and employers to educate them about the possibilities and abilities of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Pam has seen a lot of changes evolve over her 45 year career and shares with us some memorable moments. She also gives us some great tips and suggestions for job seeking and putting your best self forward. C