Blind Abilities Podcast

Fresh from the Summer Transition Program, Working as an AT Specialist and Volunteering for Apple, Microsoft and Google, Yahya Abdikadir Picks the U of M for his Programming and Computer Science Goals



School is back in session and Yahya Abdikadir, a transition age student from Minnesota, took time out from his busy schedule to sit down with Jeff Thompson and talk about his choices and experience preparing for his studies and planning his career. Yahya attended the Summer Transition Program (STP) where he learned about Soft Skills and met other Blind and Visually Impaired students from around the state. Yahya was hired by a local middle school to work on accessibility and found out about the job opportunity from State Services for the Blind. From his Teacher for the BVI and his working with SSB, Yahya is prepared and ready to take on the University of Minnesota with an interest in programing and computer science. Yahya also volunteers for Apple, Microsoft and Google as an Accessibility Specialist focusing on software accessibility with the beta programs. A Beta is a pre-release of applications for testing purposes and Beta testers give the developers feedback prior to the big release. Yahya also plays Blind