Blind Abilities Podcast

Got Money? Download the Free Money Reader Apps, iNote App for iOS and the IDEAL Currency Identifier for Android and Apply for the Free iBill Currancy Reader from the Bureau of Engraving.



Blind Abilities Teen Correspondent John Dowling sat down with Lydia Washington of the United States Bureau of Engraving to talk about accessibility, apps and how to apply for the Free iBill Reader. The iBill stand-alone currency reader identifies U.S. currency by inserting the bill into a slot and depressing a button. The iBill then gives you audio feedback on the amount of the bill. The iBill is battery operated. You can download the applicationand receive your iBill Currency Reader just by filling out the application. We follow up the interview with a brief demo of the EyeNote and IDEAl Currancy Identifier apps. The EyeNoteApp for iOS is Free from the App Store as well as the Android version, IDEAL U.S. Currancy Identifier, app from the Google Play Store.  ***** Contact Your State Services If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Transition Coordinator Sheila Koenig by email or contact her via phone at 651-539-2361. To find your State