Blind Abilities Podcast

Envision Summer Sale! See What You Can’t with EnvisionAI! A Future So Bright, I Think We’ll Where Shades. Or, Smart Glasses According to Karthik.



Karthik from Envision joins Jeff in the Blind Abilities Studio to tell us all about the huge Summer Sale on the subscriptions to the EnvisionAI app available in the App Store and the Google Play Store. 50 percent off the monthly subscription and give me a drum roll please, 75 percent off the Life Time subscription. This Summer Sale from Envision will only be available through August so act fast as opportunity knocks but once, right?  Karthik talks about how the EnvisionAI app can read print and hand writing seamlessly without having to switch modes. Just start reading and the app does the work for you. Bring on the post cards, right? With all the latest updates and the work behind the scenes to make the EnvisionAI work better than ever, Jeff asks the big question, “Karthik, where do you see EnvisionAI in the future?” Karthik says, “Smart Glasses.” Yes, is nice to hear that Envision is looking into leaner forms of algorithms to consolidate and enhance the functionality of the device in such a small form factor