How Leaders Beat Self Defeat

Beat Self Defeat Podcast: How to remain unique in thought and a teammate in action



Welcome to How Leaders Beat Self Defeat! PROGRAMMING NOTE: This episode continues a NEW series on the Fundamental Laws of Power & Influence! Each LAW will be presented with an historical reference and how you can use it as a leader to beat self defeat. As always, you’ll receive key takeaways that you can use immediately. These episodes will be BRIEF — about 5-7 minutes of content, so you can listen on the go and gain a ton of insight into what’s possible for you as a leader. Enjoy and I’d love to hear what you think about the Laws of Power & Influence for leaders to beat self defeat! Please leave your comments and feedback below… ~~~~~ In this episode, you’ll learn about a fundamental law of power and influence to help you preserve your innovative ideas while playing well with others...;) This strategy will remind you that being a "unicorn" is possible, if you know this law of power and how to use it without anyone suspecting what you're up to.