Clarity On Fire

Special Episode! Why Kristen just got a JOB



Yep, you read that subject line right! I (Kristen) got a job.    I know some of you are like, “Umm … excuse me, what??”   First of all, rest assured this does NOT mean I’m stepping away from Clarity on Fire or anything of the sort. On the contrary, getting a job will (counterintuitively) free up my best mental and emotional energy to pour back into my client work.    The thing is, when you’re a coach who spends all your time helping people find alignment in their life and career, you can’t exactly ignore when you’re feeling out of alignment yourself … at least, not for very long before you feel compelled to do something about it.    I’m telling the whole story in this week’s interview with a normal person, where I get to be the normal person! ;)   Listen in as Rachel interviews me about...   How I’ve actually been playing with this idea for a long time, but was overcomplicating things and getting in my own way (until just a few months ago).      Why writing a book about Passion Profiles (it’s in the works ri