Clarity On Fire

How to trust that you'll be OK with Bekah Trice



Bekah Trice is a self-described wellness junkie. There are a LOT of healing modalities out there — therapy, coaching, massage, acupuncture, human design, tapping, and energy healing, to name a few — and she’s tried them all. I like to think of her as a wellness concierge; she’s dabbled in everything, so she’s naturally great at helping people figure out what might work for them. Of course, the very act of seeking out various healing practices means you sense there’s something within you that needs healing. Whether you struggle with imposter syndrome, people pleasing, low self-confidence, a history of trauma, or a loss of trust in yourself and/or the world, we all could use some emotional and spiritual healing (especially after the year we’ve collectively had!). Tune in to this week’s episode with a normal person to hear more about Bekah’s healing journey. Kristen & Bekah got into… What exactly Bekah was trying to heal from that caused her to seek out so many different wellness modalities. What she tried