Clarity On Fire

Bonus Side Chat: All the (embarrassing) things we’ve quit



Today’s episode was going to be a new normal person interview, but our normal person wasn’t feeling well at the last minute (no expectations, right?), so we’re pushing that episode back until later this month and giving you a bonus side chat today, instead! Since we were planning on talking to our normal person about something big she abruptly quit, we thought it would be fun to continue with that theme and share all the things that we have abruptly quit over the years. We’re getting the time that… Rachel left the prestigious university she attended as a freshman Kristen joined the corps of cadets at her college, only to drop out 6 weeks later Rachel, a straight-A student to her core, shrugged her shoulders and flunked a community college course Kristen quit a job after 5 weeks …and more illuminating and embarrassing stories! Turns out your life doesn’t have to be a logical, measured straight line. You can be a bit of a hot mess and still end up where you’re supposed to be. And of course, we’d love to hear