Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: No more expectations for 2020



Where were you on New Year’s Eve 2019? Or, more to the point, what were you thinking about and planning on for the new year (and decade) ahead? Because we’re pretty sure you didn’t plan on … whatever 2020 turned out to be, globally or personally. And it ain’t over yet. If there’s a lesson to be taken from the supreme weirdness of this year, it might be the futility of trying to predict what’s going to happen. That sounds depressing, but we don’t mean it like that. In this month’s brand-new Side Chat, we’re challenging you all to something we’ve decided to do (and have encouraged all of our clients to do, too): Set aside LITERALLY ALL of your expectations for the rest of the year. Your financial situation? No expectations! Your relationship status? No expectations! Your moving plans? No expectations! Your career goals? No expectations! We made a good case for why you should get on board. We talked about … What counts as an “expectation,” and what doesn’t. Why having NO preconceived notion of what’s “supposed”