Clarity On Fire

Stop regretting & start creating with Todd Searle



If you’re someone who’s been wanting to flex your creativity muscle, but keeps feeling stuck — by lack of inspiration, or a fear of not being good enough, or the struggle to find time for creativity — this episode is for you. Todd Searle is a creator by nature, and yet he kept finding himself in jobs where his creativity felt stifled. He’s had dozens of ideas for businesses and creative projects over the years, but none of them seemed to work out the way he’d hoped. So he realized that if he was ever going to achieve his big dreams, he needed a new approach. So he wrote and published a book! And not just any book — a book about creativity, where he interviewed successful entrepreneurs and creatives to get their insight into how he could turn his big dreams into reality. And now he’s sharing what he learned with us! In this week’s interview with a normal person, Kristen & Todd got into… The difference between “Regretters” and “Dreamers,” and Todd’s experience in each category. Specific steps Todd took to