Clarity On Fire

Magic 8 Ball: Ditching your perfectionism with Terece Hahn



Terece Hahn had it all — the job she’d always dreamed of, a 6-figure income, a loving husband, the ability to travel and buy a home and do all the things she loved. And yet, she was miserable. Her job was making her burnt out, anxious, depressed, and totally unsure of herself. Her confidence took a nosedive, and she started questioning everything in her life. So what do you do when your dream job turns into a nightmare? Terece used that experience as a catalyst to go on a deep inner journey of figuring out who she is, what really matters to her, and what she wants most out of life. And now, two years later, she feels like a completely different — and much happier — person. For this week’s Magic 8 Ball throwback episode, we’re re-airing a normal person interview we did back in 2018. Listen in to hear Kristen ask Terece about: Her story about feeling lost and directionless after leaving school and getting a “real job.” How she built back up her confidence after it hit an all-time low. The huge perspective shif