Clarity On Fire

Magic 8-Ball: 7 questions to ask yourself before saying yes to anything



In case you hadn’t heard, every-other-Tuesday we’re publishing “Magic 8-Ball” episodes! AKA, we shake up the nearly-200 episodes we’ve released in the past two years, and the one that rises to the surface has a message that you needed to hear today. Today’s episode is a blog from March 2018 that’s especially for all of you to default to saying “yes” to everything, and then feel overwhelmed, resentful, and burnt out… As an introvert who’s also a recovering people pleaser, it still gives me a small thrill of rebelliousness to say no to things. That’s probably because in years past, I used to be a total yes girl. Before I’d fully accepted my more introverted nature (meaning I need a LOT of downtime and spaciousness, and I quickly get overwhelmed with too many plans), I was always overcommitting myself. And before I’d gotten my people-pleasing ways (mostly) in check, my fear of disappointing people was intense. So without thinking, I’d automatically say yes to work projects, social invitations, favors, and reques