Clarity On Fire

Magic 8-Ball: Netflix is my secret life purpose



In case you hadn’t heard, every-other-Tuesday we’re publishing “Magic 8-Ball” episodes! AKA, we shake up the nearly-200 episodes we’ve released in the past two years, and the one that rises to the surface has a message that you needed to hear today. Today’s episode is a blog from April, 2018 about our collective hang-up around what “creativity” means. Considering that a lot of us all of a sudden have a lot more time to be creative, it’s imperative that we give ourselves permission to actually do that. I’ve spent nearly three decades being mildly annoyed that real life gets in the way of fantasy. To me, fiction and art and music often feel more REAL and TRUE than the monotony of everyday life, with its bills and laundry and mountains of responsibilities. Could you make a case that maybe this is a PROBLEM? That I’m trying to escape reality and live in a perpetual state of denial? You probably could. But hey, I’m still paying my bills, and my laundry gets done, and I’m not shirking my responsibilities. So, cut m