Clarity On Fire

How to use personality tests to change your life



We all know that person. The one who’s read all the books, taken all the personality tests, and been to therapy for years but somehow is exactly the same as when they started? They could talk to you all day long about their issues—they know exactly why they are the way they are—but haven’t actually changed. None of us want to be that person. But going from intellectually understanding stuff to integrating that information and actually thinking, feeling, and behaving differently? That’s not an easy. People who “know things” are a dime a dozen. People who have integrated what they know are rare. And bridging that gap usually takes help. So, in this brand-new episode of the podcast we’re delving into how we, as coaches, use information that all of us love (personality tests) to actually help our clients change their feelings, beliefs, and behavior. We talked about… Our three favorite personality tests, ranked in order of usefulness. Which tests are most helpful according to your situation (not all tests make se