Clarity On Fire

Magic 8-Ball: Honing your intuition (& knowing when it’s really fear)



In case you hadn’t heard, every-other-Tuesday we’re publishing “Magic 8-Ball” episodes! AKA, we shake up the nearly-200 episodes we’ve released in the past two years, and the one that rises to the surface has a message that you needed to hear today. Today’s episode is a Side Chat from last summer about how to hone your intuition (and tell the difference between that, and fear). Pretty relevant right now, don’t you think? So, imagine a dude pumping iron, except he only ever works out one arm. He’s basically a circus attraction with his one giant bicep on the right and a puny, atrophied bicep on the left. Well, this freak is all of us. Except the over-developed right arm is your logic/fear muscle, and the atrophied left arm is your feelings/intuition muscle. Most of us want to start working out that sad, deflated left arm, because we really want to let go, trust our intuition, and make decisions from a place of deeper knowing, but we have no idea how to do it. In this episode we got into: All of the ways you c