Clarity On Fire

Recovering from addiction & self-hate with Adam Miller



We all have our laundry lists of insecurities, self-doubts, and things we don’t particularly like about ourselves. But when those self-judgments turn into full-on self-hate, that can open the floodgates for all kinds of numbing, self-sabotaging behaviors. For Adam Miller, that manifested as drug addiction. Throughout his process of recovery, he learned that the best cure for self-sabotaging, addictive behaviors is learning how to like — and eventually love — himself again. Adam will be the first to tell you that cultivating self-love takes time, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to healing from years (or a lifetime!) of self-hate. But it’s a journey that just keeps feeling better and better, and life on the other side … well, you can hear Adam describe in his own words exactly how that feels! In this month’s interview with a normal person, Kristen and Adam talk about how to recover from self-hate and all its insidious side effects. They got into… A few of the many self-sabotaging side effects you mig