Clarity On Fire

Dear Krachel: How do I feel my feelings without spiraling out of control?



Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, a monthly advice segment where we answer audience questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself. On this episode, we’re answering questions from: Miranda, who took the Passion Profile Quiz and can’t tell if she’s a “real” Thriver, or whether she’s only getting that result because she’s burnt out and resentful of working. Could she have a different Profile if she recovered from burnout? Jules, who wants to get better at feeling her feelings, but doesn’t want to indulge so much that she spirals out of control. How do you walk the line between having feelings and letting them run amuck? Eric, a single guy in his 20s who’s ready to start dating again. He wants to know how he can stand out on a dating app, beyond just “being himself.” After you’ve listened, leave us a comment to let us know how our advice for these three listeners resonated with you! Want to submit a questi