Clarity On Fire

Magic 8-Ball: Masculine vs. Feminine Energy



Every-other-Tuesday we’re going to be publishing “Magic 8-Ball” episodes. AKA, we shake up the nearly-200 episodes we’ve released in the past two years, and the one that rises to the surface has a message that you needed to hear today. For our inaugural Magic 8-Ball episode we’re re-releasing something from the very first day we launched this podcast! The original title was “How to work like a woman (in a world that doesn’t want you to).” It explores the push-pull between masculine and feminine energy, which is something you’re almost definitely struggling with, even if you haven’t been conscious of it. On this episode we talked about: Why “equality” doesn’t mean having to become masculine in order to succeed in your career. What “masculine” and “feminine” actually mean (we guarantee you’ve got some misconceptions on this one). Why you might be struggling with burn-out, fatigue, and overwhelm. How to go after freedom and flexibility, even if you feel trapped in a rigid environment. How to embrace your intuit