Clarity On Fire

Dear Krachel: I’m tired of pretending like I care



Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, a monthly advice segment where we answer audience questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself. On this episode, we’re answering questions from: Jade, a college sophomore who feels like she’s doing her college experience “wrong” by not being able to pick a major. Since she can’t decide, does it matter if she just picks something that has a lot of potential to make her good money after she graduates? Nurse Grumpy, who’s so fed up with being a nurse that she feels like she’s lost all patience and compassion for the people she’s supposed to be helping. She’s tried therapy, job hopping, and taking time off, but nothing has cured her resentment. How can she find fulfillment again when, in all honesty, she’s tired of pretending like she cares? Ms. Pissed Off, a 30-year-old with a partner of 4 years who is SO OVER people asking her when she’s going to get married. Why do peop