Clarity On Fire

Burn This: 8 career beliefs to leave in the 2010s



We all know how good it feels to get rid of actual stuff—clothes that are out of style, clutter that’s taking up space in your closet, décor that belongs in another decade. We’d argue it feels just as good, if not better, to get rid of your metaphorical crap—the beliefs that weigh you down, the assumptions that inherited from someone else, and the fears that are no longer relevant to the times we’re living in now. So, in that spirit, welcome to a new kind of podcast episode: Burn This. Every once in a while we’re going to go through some of our collective intangible garbage and give you, and all of us, permission to throw it in the burn pile! In this inaugural episode we came up with 8 career beliefs that we can burn before we haul them with us into the 2020s. We talked about… Why no one cares that much about your technical experience or gaps on your resumé. How many years is long enough to work at a job before you’re allowed to move on. Why having multiple careers (not just jobs, but careers) is the new nor