Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: When your feelings are ignored, scorned, & gaslit



If you hadn’t noticed, we’re big advocates for feeling your feelings. What’s the alternative? Being shut down, repressed, or so bent out of shape that the slightest twinge of anger or sadness causes you pain? Uh thank you, but next. But we realized we haven’t told you one of the most IMPORTANT parts about feeling your feelings in a healthy way: Not everyone can be trusted to handle you and your feelings. In this month’s brand-new side chat, we’re getting in to what to do when other people ignore, scorn, diminish, deride, and gaslight you and your feelings. We’re talking about… The long-term symptoms of not being allowed to express your feelings to others. How to process the pain of people minimizing, scorning, or gaslighting you. How to recognize whether someone can be trusted to meet your needs, emotionally and otherwise. After you’ve listened, leave a comment to let us know how this episode resonated with you! THE PPVE IS COMING BACK (ONE LAST TIME!) Our online group coaching program, the Passion Plan Vir