Clarity On Fire

Rachel Rants: You can’t make the wrong decision!



There’s a time and place for more grounded, astute, in-depth reflections about life and what to do about your problems (that’s what blogs and, you know, every other episode of this podcast are for). But sometimes you just need a good, righteous rant. It’s cathartic! So, every once in a while, instead of writing a new blog or republishing an old one, I’m going to spend a few minutes getting fired up about something, in the hopes that I’ll get you fired up, too, and maybe even snap you out of whatever daze you’ve found yourself in. Today I’m ranting about how obsessed we all are with getting it—every choice, big or small—right, and how screwy a notion that is. I got into… Why needing to figure out the “right” answer is like gasoline on an anxiety fire. My new favorite word, and why it’s a cure for the “must get it right” mentality. An analogy that will help you relax, trust yourself, and start taking your decisions a little less seriously. After you’ve listened, leave a comment to let me know what you think o