Clarity On Fire

Blog: For the love of god, stop asking people, “So, what do you do?”



OK fellow Millennials (and really, everyone, because who hasn’t seen this movie?) … do you remember that scene in Aladdin where Genie (RIP our beloved Robin Williams) is describing what it’s like to be a genie? His whole form expands to fill the room while he bellows in a deep, booming voice: “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!” … and then he shrinks into his lamp and concludes in a quiet, high-pitched voice, “itty bitty living space.” One of my clients and I were reminiscing about this recently because it’s the PERFECT visual for what, quite frankly, is wrong with the way we talk about ourselves (at least in the Western world). My client, Kayla, has been struggling to figure out how to define herself given that, right now, she doesn’t have a traditional career or paying job (she’s been a stay-at-home mom for a few years). She was feeling pressured, given that her kids are more self-sufficient now, to pick a career path — she believed that having a “title” again (besides “mom”) would solve her identity crisis and earn