Clarity On Fire

Blog: When you’re always wanting more than you have right now



Five years ago, I would’ve done anything to have a full-time coaching business. I’m sure I bored my friends and family to death by incessantly talking about it. But I couldn’t help it — it was practically all I thought about. I was beyond impatient, but it’s just because I wanted it so badly. It seems so silly now, but I remember one desperate night writing a letter to God or the Universe or Life itself (whoever happened to be listening) saying that if only I could have a full-time business, I would be content. I wouldn’t need much else in life. Hah! I genuinely believed that if I got this thing I deeply desired, that everything else would fall into place and I’d be free of my intense longing. I’d like to blame it on the naiveté of youth (I was 23, after all — brand new into the working world), but I think we all have moments like this, regardless of age or experience. We want to get the thing we most desire, because then we could finally be rid of that painful feeling of wanting something you don’t have. But