Clarity On Fire

When you get your dream job ... and hate it with normal person Ella



After years of job hopping (including starting her own side gig), hoping to find the right fit, Ella recently landed a job that by all counts should have been her “dream job.” And yet, she felt strangely conflicted about it right from the initial interview. On her very first day of the new job, she knew this was utterly wrong for her. So what happens when you get your dream job … and you hate it from Day 1? Cue panic, confusion, and plenty of existential questioning. Now, Ella will tell you that getting that “dream job” (including all of the previous jobs leading up to it) was exactly what she needed to identify her deeper purpose and give her more clarity than she thought was possible for her. Listen in to this week’s interview with a normal person as Kristen and Ella talk about… The frustration and self-judgment that comes from job hopping and never feeling quite satisfied with any job. The emotional rollercoaster that ensues after you get your “dream job” and hate it. How everything along your path is happ