Clarity On Fire

Blog: There's no such thing as a career soulmate



I’ve never been 100% sure how I feel about the concept of soul mates. Although the Pride-and-Prejudice-loving side of me wants to believe that we each have one specific soul mate who’s our perfect match, I can’t fully buy into the idea. Now, don’t get me wrong … I wholeheartedly believe in soul connections. We’ve all experienced that phenomenon when you meet someone for the first time and you instantly click. It feels like you’ve known them forever, there’s no awkward small talk (shudder), and you find yourself revealing your deepest beliefs in the first 15 minutes. Sometimes, you just intuitively know that someone is right for you, whether it’s as a friend, romantic partner, business connection, etc. And the great part about soul connections is that there’s no limit on how many you can have! Hopefully you have many people in your life who you feel deeply, soulfully connected to. The part about soul mates that I can’t fully get behind is the belief that there’s only one person in the entire world who is your