Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: Why positive thinking is mostly BS



You may not have seen this coming, but we’re saying it: Positive thinking ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. If this sounds suspicious for a couple of life coaches to be saying, you’re going to want to listen (or watch!) this month’s side chat. We’re diving in to the compulsion that SO many of us feel to stay positive at all times, and why that is NOT necessarily a good thing. We talked about: Why so many people feel guilty or ashamed for having thoughts that aren’t positive How pretending you’re upbeat and positive, when you’re definitely not, does a lot of emotional damage Why the ugly emotions—rage, anger, grief, sadness, frustration, jealousy—are totally acceptable, and not scary How to stop “faking it” and let yourself feel everything How to tell the difference between fake positivity and real positivity within yourself After you’ve listened, leave a comment to let us know if you’ve been glossing things over with false positivity, and how this conversation sits with you! WANT HELP PROCESSING EVERYTHING?