Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: When you want to fix someone, but can’t



This one goes out to all of the caring, compassionate, empathetic, concerned people who just want to help others. Especially if, in your altruistic mindset, you deeply believe that you know what’s best for someone, and that if they’d only listen to you, you’d be able to solve all their problems. Dudes, from a couple of (recovering) fixers, YOU GOTTA CUT THAT OUT. In this month’s Side Chat, we’re getting in to what to do when you want to fix someone, but can’t. We talked about: The ways (including the less-than-obvious ones) that the compulsion to “fix” can show up. How people-pleasing and being a highly sensitive person relate to the desire to fix others. Why over-giving and over-doing tend to backfire in spectacular fashion. Why letting people struggle is often the kindest thing you can do for them. Better ways to respond to someone who needs fixing, and how to encourage people to change in a way that actually works. After you’ve listened, leave a comment to let us know how called-out you feel, and which p