Clarity On Fire

Blog: Why your insecurity actually makes you entitled



It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what generation you belong to, I know you know someone who’s actually entitled. I’m not talking about people who are called “entitled” but don’t necessarily deserve it. (A lot of Millennials bear the brunt of this, and it’s an unfair generalization to make about an entire generation of people, considering how hardworking and engaged most of the Millennials I know are.) I’m talking about the person you know who thinks they legitimately should not have to work for anything, and who is sort of dumbfounded by the very idea of struggle. I’m talking about the person who is so deeply deluded that they constantly talk about how spectacular they are, even though they’ve done little that’s brag-worthy. We know this person. We roll our eyes at this person. The vast majority of us are definitely not this person. But here’s the kicker — most of us are still entitled, anyway. How does that work? How can so few of us resemble “that person,” and yet so many of us still be entitled? Well