Clarity On Fire

Blog: A story about when I was publicly insulted



There was a time when Kristen and I thought we wanted to be corporate coaches.

In a way, this made perfect sense. Both of us had intimate experience with the mind-numbing bureaucracy of corporate America. We knew what the cube-people were secretly feeling — trapped, suffocated, bored, purposeless — because we had so recently been cube-people.

 We had a vision of being “corporate ninjas” … we’d go in to stuffy offices and quietly, stealthily, and methodically shift entire cultures. We’d inspire people; we’d make it so that work was actually invigorating, purposeful, and fun. Leadership would be left a bit dazed and blinking by the overnight change, but they’d get used to a new and improved way of operating.

 This is a story about how none of that happened, and how I got publicly insulted to boot. In this week’s blog, I’m sharing something I originally wrote 3 years ago, and exploring why getting painfully rejected can be the best thing that ever happened to you. ARE YOU A TRAPPED CUBE-PERSON? If you were no