Coaching Christian Leaders

Step One of Leadership Development



Intro What‘s stopping your church from fulfilling the Great Commission? What is stopping your church from sharing Christ with your community, building small groups or Sunday School classes, from staffing children’s ministries? You might say, “I don’t have enough people. I’m boiled down to just a faithful few and we’re doing all we can. And we can’t do any more than we currently do.” But here’s another reason. And I will use myself. The reason we were falling short...The reason we were not fulfilling the Great Commission is that we were just doing church and not intentionally developing leaders.   This is Mark Jones and I help pastors create leaders. Now is the time to get intentional and begin to create a system that will develop future leaders. In the last episode, I presented a biblical foundation for Leadership Development. I shared with you three Scripture passages: Matthew 28:19-20 Ephesians 4:11-12 And 2 Timothy 2:2 I discussed that God has commissioned you to Make Disciples, ;that God has gifted you