Coaching Christian Leaders

How to Communicate Change to Your Congregation - Episode 24



How to Communicate Change to Your Congregation This year, 2019, we are focusing our efforts on how to lead change. In episode 23 we addressed in part how to end something. Dr. William Bridges in his book Managing Transitions tells us that change begins when you first end something. Ending the current thing is part of starting something new. Dr. Bridges separates change from a transition. When you when you decide to change something, say your service times, that is just a change. A transition is a process of ending the former service times and then adopting the new service times. A transition is made up of three phases – An ending (the current thing must end), the neutral zone, and the new beginning. In the last episode, we focused on the ending phase.  I covered 5 questions to help you end something. Here again, are those questions. What is actually ending? Who is losing what? What are the secondary changes your change will cause? How will people react emotionally to this change? Is this change something the