Happy Self Publishing Show

Write a good book, not a perfect book | Author Success Stories Featuring Nikhil Raval



Join our FREE Facebook Group!   Welcome back to Author Success Stories! Today's special guest is Nikhil Raval! About Nikhil Raval - Author 'Target Gen Z' Nikhil is a leadership, learning and change organizational development expert. He works with international firms all across the globe on challenges at the intersection of business and people. After having a fantastic career in the financial sector and also being the managing Director of Duke CE in India, Nikhil in 2018 decided to become an entrepreneur. Listen to this podcast as we talk about how Nikhil decided that his book is going to be about Gen Z. We also discuss his approach, outline and structure of his book Target Gen Z, his advice for aspiring authors, and many more! You wouldn't want to miss this episode! Check out Nikhil's Book here - https://www.amazon.com/Target-Gen-Understanding-Work-Life-Learning-ebook/dp/B08Y8KSGLG