Happy Self Publishing Show

Not getting progress with your writing? Here's what you can do



Not getting progress with your writing? Struggling to write your book and at some point in time, you are considering getting somebody's help like a writer? If that idea has crossed your mind but you are not sure if that is the right thing for you, then in this video, I will be giving you 5 questions you need to ask yourself so that you can make a good decision when it comes to your book project. If all your answers to these questions are a YES and you can’t still find yourself to take the next step to finish your book or have it published, you need the help of an Angel Writer! If you would like to explore working with us, do check out www.happyselfpublishing.com/apply and one of my team members will speak with you and help you clarify all your questions. I would also love to hear from you by leaving a comment below. What do you think about Angel Writing? Have you tried it yourself? Did it work or not work for you? Or you can also let me know what part of the writing process is most difficult for you. Please m