Brand Yourself

129: Turning Your Greatest Gifts Into a Unique Business with Susanna Merrick



Susanna Merrick is a highly-sought-after Intuitive Energy Reader, Stylist and Spiritual Coach. And she is the Founder of Aura Wear, a method and brand that focuses on self-expression through color, fashion and wellness. Susanna’s mission is to empower people to take the reins of their self-expression through their personal style and spiritual practices by managing the health of their closet. Her work has been featured in Goop, Elle Magazine, Well+Good and Vanity Fair. So, Susanna and I crossed paths many times at our co-working space pre-pandemic. And I’m so happy we finally found a way to come together and have this conversation. As you’ll hear in the episode, she is such a bright light, completely brilliant, and has an incredible story about how she got into this work. I am obsessed with what she does, and I have a feeling we’re going to collaborate in the future. In this episode, she shares why feeling seen and self-expressed has mattered to her since she was young and why she’s so passionate about helping